
Here at Move2Live, our approach is simple. We promote wellness and exercise through an engaging and interactive App, so that anyone who uses it, may benefit from the all-natural effects of a healthy lifestyle. We see a huge problem in the depression market today, with people relying heavily on anti-depressants. The good news is, our bodies alone have the ability to produce hormones that promote mental wellness! No need for those artificial medications. With this in mind, our App revolves around scientifically proven activities that promote hormone production, such as dopamine, to bring about all of our body’s natural benefits. Accomplish these activities in an interactive App that promotes wellness, community, and a natural approach in alleviating the symptoms of depression.


  • Health

    Move2Live offers a service that will help you get a happy, healthy lifestyle so you can enjoy every day of your life. It will make you at peace with oneself mentally and physically.

  • Natural

    Exercise will provide a great treatment option with NO SIDE EFFECTS. It can only take away depressive symptoms and make peace with oneself at the end of the day.

  • Social

    This is a place that other people with similar symptoms can help each other. You will never be alone because this community will never leave you.

Mobile Application

Just like our approach to this treatment, our mobile application is simple. You will be given a exercise program to do whenever you sign in and after completion, you will be given points. You will also be able to collect points by completing other objectives that promote wellness, such as mental wellness assessments, or mindfulness exercises. Collect as many points as you can and compete with your friends and fellow Move2Live members. Doing these little steps each day will lead to large strides in improvement and management of mild to moderate depression. Our mobile application will also allow you to educate yourself with frequent blog postings, but more importantly, introduce you to a community of individuals who are going through the same obstacles in life. Members will be allowed to connect through our public and private newsfeeds, which will allow them to share points, accomplishments, and give support to their fellow members. We look forward to sharing this mobile application that is solely made to promote wellness. No tricks or trades, only natural and proven methods of promoting wellness. Get moving, get connected, and live, with Move2Live!

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